Make Money Sharing Links on Facebook

Ekramul63 Published on June 13, 2024

Make Money Sharing Links on Facebook: A Comprehensive Guide 

In this article we will learn about Make Money Sharing Links on Facebook. In today's digital era, social media platforms like Facebook offer numerous opportunities for generating income. One highly effective method is sharing shortened URLs, which can drive traffic, promote products, and earn money through affiliate marketing and ad revenue. This detailed guide will walk you through the process of making money by sharing links on Facebook, utilizing URL shorteners like those offered by 


1. Understanding URL Shorteners and Their Benefits 

URL shorteners are tools that transform long URLs into shorter, more manageable links. Services like not only make your links look cleaner and more professional but also provide tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor clicks and analyze performance. These benefits make URL shorteners an essential tool for anyone looking to monetize their online activities.  

Benefits of Using URL Shorteners: 

  • Aesthetic Appeal: Shortened links look cleaner and are less likely to be perceived as spam. 
  • Trackable Metrics: Most URL shorteners, including, provide analytics that help you track clicks, geographic data, and other valuable metrics. 
  • Customizable Links: Many services allow you to create custom URLs, making them more recognizable and trustworthy to your audience. 
  • Space-Saving: Shorter URLs save space in your posts, leaving more room for compelling content. 


2. Setting Up Your Facebook Account for Success 

Before you start sharing links, it's crucial to optimize your Facebook profile. Ensure that your profile picture and cover photo are professional and relevant to the content you intend to share. Update your bio to reflect your interests and expertise, and make sure your privacy settings allow your posts to reach a broader audience.  

Profile Optimization: 

  • Profile Picture and Cover Photo: Choose professional and relevant images that reflect your niche. 
  • Bio Update: Craft a concise bio that highlights your interests and expertise, giving potential followers a reason to trust your content. 
  • Privacy Settings: Adjust your privacy settings to ensure your posts are visible to the public or to a specific audience that you target. 
  • Creating a Facebook Page: If you're serious about monetizing your links, consider creating a dedicated Facebook page. This will help separate your personal and professional activities and allow you to build a brand around your niche. 


3. Identifying Your Niche 

To effectively monetize your Facebook activities, focus on a specific niche. This could be anything from technology and fashion to health and fitness. By targeting a particular audience, you can share more relevant links, which will likely result in higher engagement and click-through rates.  

Finding Your Niche: 

  • Passion and Knowledge: Choose a niche that you are passionate about and knowledgeable in. 
  • Market Demand: Research to ensure there is a demand for content in your chosen niche. 
  • Competition Analysis: Analyze the competition to find gaps you can fill with your unique perspective. 


4. Joining and Engaging in Relevant Facebook Groups 

Facebook Groups are a goldmine for targeted audiences. Join groups related to your niche and actively participate in discussions. However, avoid spamming links. Instead, offer valuable insights and slowly introduce your shortened URLs when they are genuinely relevant to the conversation. This approach builds trust and increases the likelihood of your links being clicked.  

  • Finding the Right Groups: Search for groups related to your niche. These groups are full of potential followers who are already interested in the content you plan to share. 
  • Engagement Strategies: 
  • Active Participation: Regularly engage in discussions by commenting, liking posts, and sharing valuable insights. 
  • Value Addition: Offer helpful advice and answers to questions. Establish yourself as an authority in your niche. 
  • Strategic Sharing: Share your shortened URLs when they add value to the discussion. Avoid blatant self-promotion and ensure your links are relevant to the group's interests. 


5. Creating High-Quality Content 

Content is king in the world of social media. Create engaging posts that offer value to your audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, or even simple status updates. Ensure that your content is informative, entertaining, or solves a problem for your audience. Integrate your shortened URLs naturally within this content to drive traffic to your monetized links.  

Types of Content: 

  • Blog Posts: Write informative articles that provide value to your audience. 
  • Videos: Create engaging videos that demonstrate products or explain complex topics. 
  • Infographics: Use visuals to simplify and convey information quickly. 
  • Status Updates: Share quick tips, quotes, and insights that resonate with your audience. 
  • Content Creation Tips: 
  • Quality Over Quantity: Focus on producing high-quality content that offers real value. 
  • Consistency: Post regularly to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more. 
  • Engagement: Encourage likes, comments, and shares to increase the reach of your posts. 


6. Leveraging Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to make money by sharing links. Sign up for affiliate programs relevant to your niche. These programs will provide you with unique URLs to promote products or services. Use to shorten these links before sharing them on Facebook. When users click on your links and make a purchase, you earn a commission.  

What is Affiliate Marketing? 

Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for every sale or action made through your referral link. 

Steps to Start Affiliate Marketing: 

  • Join Affiliate Programs: Sign up for affiliate programs relevant to your niche. Popular platforms include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and ClickBank. 
  • Get Your Links: Obtain unique affiliate links for the products or services you want to promote. 
  • Shorten Your Links: Use to shorten your affiliate links, making them more user-friendly. 
  • Promote Strategically: Share your shortened links in relevant Facebook groups, on your page, and within your content. 


Tips for Success: 

  • Transparency: Disclose your affiliate relationships to build trust with your audience. 
  • Relevance: Only promote products that are relevant to your niche and genuinely useful to your audience. 
  • Reviews and Recommendations: Create detailed reviews and recommendations to provide value and encourage clicks. 


7. Utilizing Ad Networks 

How Ad Networks Work: Ad networks like AdFly and allow you to earn money every time someone clicks on your shortened URLs. By signing up for these services and sharing the shortened links on Facebook, you can generate income through ad revenue. However, ensure that your audience does not find these ads intrusive, as this could negatively impact your engagement rates.  

Steps to Use Ad Networks: 

  • Sign Up: Register for an account with an ad network. 
  • Shorten Links: Use the network's tool to shorten your URLs. 
  • Share on Facebook: Post your shortened links on Facebook, ensuring they are relevant and not overly promotional. 

Pros and Cons: 

  • Pros: Easy to set up, passive income generation. 
  • Cons: Ads can be intrusive, potentially leading to lower engagement. 


8. Tracking and Analyzing Your Performance 

To optimize your link-sharing strategy, regularly track and analyze the performance of your shortened URLs. offers robust analytics tools that provide insights into the number of clicks, geographic location of your audience, and the best times to post. Use this data to refine your approach, focusing on what works best for your audience.  

Importance of Analytics: 

Tracking your link performance helps you understand what works and what doesn't, allowing you to refine your strategy for better results. 

Tools and Metrics: 

  • Analytics: Use the analytics tools provided by to track clicks, geographical data, and more. 
  • Facebook Insights: Use Facebook's built-in analytics to track engagement on your posts. 
  • Google Analytics: If you have a website, integrate it with Google Analytics for comprehensive data on traffic and behavior. 

Key Metrics to Monitor: 

  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): The percentage of people who click on your links. 
  • Engagement Rates: Likes, comments, and shares on your posts. 
  • Conversion Rates: The percentage of clicks that result in desired actions, such as purchases. 


9. Staying Compliant with Facebook Policies 

Finally, ensure that your activities comply with Facebook's terms of service and community standards. Avoid posting spammy content or engaging in deceptive practices. Adhering to these guidelines will help you maintain a positive reputation and prevent your account from being suspended.  

Understanding Facebook's Rules: 

Facebook has strict guidelines to prevent spam and maintain a positive user experience. Violating these rules can result in penalties, including account suspension. 

Key Guidelines to Follow: 

  • No Spamming: Avoid posting excessive links or overly promotional content. 
  • Genuine Engagement: Focus on building genuine relationships and providing value to your audience. 
  • Disclosure: Clearly disclose any affiliate relationships to maintain transparency. 

Best Practices: 

  • Variety in Content: Mix up your content to keep it interesting and engaging. 
  • Respect Group Rules: Adhere to the rules of the groups you join to avoid being banned. 
  • Feedback and Adaptation: Listen to feedback from your audience and adapt your strategy accordingly. 



Making money by sharing links on Facebook is a viable and accessible method for anyone looking to generate additional income. By leveraging URL shorteners like, optimizing your Facebook profile, identifying your niche, engaging with relevant groups, creating high-quality content, utilizing affiliate marketing and ad networks, and regularly analyzing your performance, you can build a successful and sustainable income stream. Stay compliant with Facebook's policies and continuously refine your strategy to maximize your earnings. Start today and unlock the potential of monetizing your social media presence. 

By following these steps and staying dedicated to providing value, you can turn your Facebook activities into a profitable venture. Happy sharing! 


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